© 2020 TCRPV Architects. All rights reserved.
An international mining and metals company, South 32’s Head Office is based in Melrose Arch.
Client South 32
Project Proposed Reception & Client Meeting Centre
Address Melrose Boulevard, Birnam, Johannesburg.
Size 2000sqm
The modus operandi for many modern (and multi-tenanted) buildings nowadays is overly simplified as having centralised reception from which clients are screened, and then either collected or guided to their destination. Although there are reasons and benefits to this, South 32 believe that there is a fundamental problem with this model specifically in terms of the client experience, first impression and most of all the brand immersion – often these types of facilities are catered for more as “generic.”
South 32 believe that there is a fundamental problem with this model specifically in terms of the client experience, first impression and most of all the brand immersion – often these types of facilities are catered for more as “generic.” South 32 engaged with TCRPV to create a secondary reception and adjacent client meeting centre on their specific floor and to better reinforce their corporate identity (brand) not only to their clients, but also to their multi-national staff who often travel between offices across the world.
129 Patricia Road
Atholl Towers
Level 3
1 Richefond Circle
Ridgeside Office Park
Lower Level
© 2020 TCRPV Architects. All rights reserved.