Driving gym innovation: Over 30 Planet Fitness clubs shaped across three iconic brands — Blue, Signature, and JustGym.

Client  Planet Fitness

Project  Collective Overview

TCRPV Architects are proudly associated with Planet Fitness and we have designed and project managed the construction of well over 30 clubs throughout South Africa. TCRPV remain responsible for maintaining and developing the Planet Fitness architectural brand offering world class facilities and diversity through their products, namely Planet Fitness Blue, Planet Fitness Signature and JustGym. We continue to research and develop, improving the indoor environment quality, helping the users find their balance and a better way of living.

Our planning is supported by a careful selection of materials, efficient uses of water and energy, together with the most up to date technologies and equipment used in gyms. We are experts in this highly specialised sector, which remains a competitive environment and therefore requires a high level of design, intense project management and co-ordination of consultants services in order to realise landlord restraints and budgets.